Thursday, August 5, 2010

Four Years Ago Today...

...Our "Happy Christian Home" came into existence!  My husband and I are celebrating four great years together! 

These past four years have definitely not been boring!  In that short time, we've been blessed with two (count 'em, two) beautiful children, we've both gone through major transitions in jobs, finances and more.  In all that time, even though we've had some challenging moments, God's hand has been upon us,  and we are so thankful for how He has shown Himself faithful time after time.

I am grateful to have His Word as a light to show us the way, as well as our pastors and some very good friends to inspire us with their longevity and wisdom.  I'm glad I have Holy Spirit to hold my hand, and gently correct me during those times I am wrong- and to tell me to be quiet when silence is in order (I'm not always perfect in this area, but I'm working on it!).  It's taken me the better part of four years to learn to just "let it go" sometimes, so, hopefully over the next four years, I'll get a little better at it!

At any rate...Happy Anniversary to us!  God has been so good, and He has truly shown us to "trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths" (Proverbs 3:5-6).  

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