Thursday, September 23, 2010

Recording My Youth- Joining Mommy's Piggy Tales

A couple of days ago, I came across this site, and thought "what a cool idea!"  The purpose of Mommy's Piggy Tales is to invite women to "revisit" their youth and write a post a week based on the theme for that week (i.e. 1st grade, 2nd grade, etc.)  The idea is to record those memories to share with your children and (eventually) your grandchildren.  

As an added bonus, those who complete the entire 14 week challenge will be entered to win a prize!  Participation is free.  The next session starts on October 7th, and I think you need to sign up before then to participate.  It really looks like fun, and you also get a chance to connect with the other participants. 

Starting in two weeks, every Thursday, I will post my memories, and link up at Mommy's Piggy Tales.  I invite you to join me!  

I think it will be especially fun as I remember and record the road that led me here, and see God working through all of the events of my past.  

Are you interested in joining???  Take a moment to comment and let me know if you plan to participate too.  

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