Friday, January 14, 2011

My Faith Box (Long Overdue!)

Back in October, I entered a giveaway on the Good Morning Girls blog to win a My Faith Box. It's concept interested me, as it's a box that contains a journal for a parent to track the spiritual progress of their little one. It includes areas where you can record specific prayers you've prayed for your child, family information and more. It also gives you "resources and ideas for how to be intentional in helping your child know, love and follow Jesus." (From their website).

Anyway, I was surprised when I got an email announcing that I had won a My Faith Box! Come to find out, that the lady who was giving them away saw the overwhelming response and didn't want to choose just one winner (she was thinking maybe giving away two My Faith Boxes) but her uber-generous husband provided a box for all of those who entered the giveaway!

So, in return, I agreed to write a post about my experience winning a My Faith Box- but I meant to do it later that week- not three months later! Whoops!

This would be a great tool for you if you have little ones, or even a great gift for an expectant mama. I'm looking forward to using My Faith Box as a way to keep me on track with spiritually encouraging my children through the years (I may need to get another one though!)

What are some effective ways you have used to encourage your child in their relationship with God?

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