Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Capture the Everyday- Favorite Toys in Our Home

Today, I'm doing something just for fun- linking up at Adventuroo for "Capture the Everyday," a weekly series where you are given an assignment to capture a glimpse of everyday life. Click on over to visit Melissa's site to peek into everyone else's every day!

This week's assignment is "Your Kid's Favorite Toy".

Right off the bat, I knew what my son's favorite toy is. It's actually a toy that belongs to my son and daughter, a gift from their uncle. My son enjoys it a whole lot more right now, though.
Just to confirm, I asked Preston (hey, look at me- I just gave my boy a blog alias!) what his favorite toy is, and he said, "Uncle John's blocks!" Well his uncle made these special blocks by hand, and hand painted them as well with help from his daughter. Each block is color-coded and each group of same-colored blocks is a unique puzzle. Very cool.

My son uses them to "build words" and every once in a while, I'll come across a word that he has "built". Like this "mega-word":

My daughter loves this toy:
This was a birthday gift that Katie received a few months ago. She loves this thing! It plays several different songs (all tea related), but also "tea"ches (don't mind me) about shapes and numbers. We've even come up with hand motions to go with one of her favorite songs, and she just started trying to copy them the other night. (It was adorable, in case you were wondering).

What are your children's favorite toys?

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