Saturday, April 9, 2011

No Housework Party

I was so excited when I heard about the 1st Annual No Housework Party hosted by Jenn at CoolestFamily on the Block. Finally a day off without guilt (not that I actually feel guilty when I slack off on housework...I just eventually get frustrated with the mess, and start moving)! 

I'm somewhere between being domestically challenged and being a domestic goddess. Sometimes quite honestly a little closer to being challenged. I have other skills, okay? Like blogging! But seriously, I am striving to improve, and I feel that I have improved immensely over the years.

Anyway, so back to the may have noticed that this post is not from two days ago! It's Saturday morning and I'm still composing it! I certainly appreciated the day off but apparently (for me anyway), laziness begets laziness. I took two days off instead of one. (For shame!) That was pretty unintentional, though. I was determined to do no housework on Thursday...and I succeeded.

I didn't put these away:

I also was not the least bit tempted to fold these:

This nastiness did not get taken out:

I did not tidy up this room (though I will say this is really tame for a "mess" in this room!):

This mess was stepped over all day:

And I really wanted to sort through these summer clothes for my daughter and get them ready for wear but, alas, I resisted the urge:

Friday, was a different story, though. We went to an event at the library after lunch time, and then hung around there for a little while after the event was over. Then we came home. And I subsequently continued to do nothing. Actually, my wonderful husband took out the trash and cleaned up most of the dishes while the children and I were at the library. So that was a nice surprise.

Today, I thoroughly intend to get stuff back in shape around here. I might even fold the laundry!

What did you do for No Housework Day? And if you missed it, don't despair! It's happening until tomorrow and there's still time to link up!

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