Monday, April 25, 2011

Review and Giveaway: The Slug and Ant Show

And now...for the sake of a balanced approach to screen usage, my very first review and giveaway!

It was about a year ago when my family first saw The Slug and Ant Show featured on TBN's Smile of a Child station. Immediately, I knew this program was different. And by different, I mean entertaining! I hope this doesn't come off as mean-spirited, but I feel like as a Body (as in the Body of Christ) we could do a much better job of creating high-quality, godly children's programming. I am convinced that the show's creator, Michael K. Foster, is on a mission to do just that!

Of course I was thrilled at the opportunity to review The Slug and Ant Show's first DVD (which was actually released about a year ago...they will be releasing a follow up DVD in the very near future, I hear!) I really want to promote this program as well as any future children's programs produced by Salty Graphic Studio. The condensed version: You should go check them out!

Be sure to enter the giveaway (details at the end) after you read the review!

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Slug and Ant are (as the DVD cover says) "best friends sharing God's love." And that they do. As a parent, I appreciate the obvious display of Biblically-based values. The show portrays a group of friends; Slug, Ant, Beetle, Spider and Fly who like to skateboard, play hoopty-hoop, and play alternative-sounding music together (hee hee). They don't always get it right the first time, but their hearts are right!

Each episode illustrates a conflict between the friends. For example, in the first, "Don't Judge a Fly by One Wing," Slug, Ant, Beetle and Spider meet the new guy, Fly. Let's just say he's different. The group forms all kinds of outlandish assumptions about him based on his appearance, until they run into their bow-tied, spectacled Sunday school teacher, Mr. Bumble. Mr. Bumble is the voice of reason and truth throughout every episode of The Slug and Ant Show. There is even a segment called "Bible Time with Mr. Bumble" where Mr. Bumble (a bee, of course) shares a Bible lesson with the audience. He shares the Word of God with the friends, and they form their own conclusion about how to handle the situation. Each episode also features a music video presenting the cast of characters and a catchy, upbeat song that even parents will appreciate.

Being geared toward preschoolers, it was a wise move to make the episodes short and sweet. After all, the show's viewers are likely to have about the same attention span as one of the characters would in real life! This could be enjoyed at home, or it could even be a fitting series to base your preschool church curriculum on (they even have coloring pages and character cut-outs available on their site). It has all the elements to open the door to simple discussion about how God wants us to live and treat others. Such themes as judging others, sharing, and telling the truth are sure to speak to the hearts of the little ones in your life.

Would you like to win a copy of the Slug and Ant Show Volume 1? There are a few easy ways to enter!
  • Leave a comment and let me know why you'd like a copy of The Slug and Ant Show DVD (this one's required- and make sure you leave an email address so I can reach you if you win!)
  • Follow the Slug and Ant Show on Facebook (come back and leave a separate comment letting me know you did!)
  • Share this review/giveaway on Facebook or Twitter, or both (again, come back and let me know you did!)

The giveaway will end on Thursday, and I will announce a winner on Friday! Happy entering!

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