Saturday, June 18, 2011

Around These Parts

Well, I've been kind of on the weekly posting schedule, I guess! Which I suppose isn't bad, as long as I'm consistent. (I'm trying, I really am!)

There's a couple exciting things coming up "around these parts" that I wanted to share with you all. First, my one year blogaversary is coming up next week. I can't believe I've been blogging for a year already! I'm not quite sure just yet how I will celebrate this milestone, but I'm definitely open to suggestions! (Do you have any?)

The second thing is that I will (in the very near future) be a regular writer on Devotions for Moms! In case you aren't familiar, it is a sister site of Christian Stay at Home Moms. I'm so thankful for the opportunity to share more of what God has been teaching me as a mom. I will let you know when I am featured there so you can follow me over there, too! (In the mean time, check out the great posts over there for some godly encouragement!)

Right now, I'm in the process of writing about my first breastfeeding experience. (Kind of a follow up to my son's birth story). I'm considering posting it in parts, because as usual, I have a lot to say! ;-) Though, I personally usually don't mind reading longer posts if it's something I'm interested in, so we'll see. What is your take on longer posts? Would you rather read one long one, or several shorter ones?

Anyway, what's going on with you? I hope everyone is having a great weekend!

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