Friday, June 24, 2011

One Year, One Hundred Posts!

How quaint that my one-year blogiversary would coincide with my 100th post! I'm super excited to say that I've been blogging for one year already! (Actually, one year and one day by the time you read this!)

I'm so honored that so many people would want to read what I have to say. I mean that. When you start a blog, you really have no way to know who will pay attention, let alone who will return. So, thank you to all of you faithful readers! I am truly thankful for the encouragement to keep going in the form of new followers and sweet comments. Many blogs don't last a whole year, so I really am grateful to all of you!

It seemed like that first big hurdle was getting ONE follower. I'm forever grateful to that first brave soul (hi, Leslie!). I'm just so thankful that I've found the "blogosphere" to be a friendly place filled with many incredible, encouraging women. And y'all are talented, too!

Anyway, I'm not doing a giveaway or listing 100 things about myself (sorry, I'm just unprepared for that!) or anything really super-duper special other than just sharing my heart.

My goal for the next year is to grow more as a writer, reach out to more women...maybe even learn to take good pictures! :P I know I haven't been a terribly ambitious blogger, but hopefully I'll become a little more driven for this coming year in blogging. Not in an obnoxious way, though! I just want to be more available for God to communicate through my blog to touch others. And of course continue to provide helpful information, and encouragement (hopefully I was succeeding at doing this in the first place! Lol!)

So, a big HOORAY for one year and 100 posts! Thanks again for continuing to read and grow along with me!

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