Tuesday, August 16, 2011

A Promotion!

I've been serving in the children's ministry at our church in some capacity or another for about seven years. My first assignment in the children's ministry all those many moons ago, was writing curriculum for our (then) enormous (at least to me) elementary school age ministry. (We all know how much I like writing!) But then, I was serving as a teacher due to our church losing many of the teachers we had at the time. There was a need, and I stepped up to meet it, thinking in the back of my mind that it was a temporary thing I was "just filling in" for. Most recently, I've served as assistant director of our children's ministry (again, due to need), and now, I've been "promoted" to Children's Ministry Director!

Sometimes when God calls people to a specific assignment, they run screaming in the other direction, and I was certainly no exception! Seriously at first, I really didn't like the idea. I'm definitely not one of those "kid-loving" people by nature (my own children being the exception, of course). At least that's what I keep telling myself!

Yet, God proved Himself yet again the other night when He gave me the opportunity to share the Gospel with a young person. He showed me how I love communicating the truth of God's Word on their level, taking something that can seem complicated and breaking it down so that a child can apply it to their own life.

So that Sunday night, I talked with the little boy, and he made the decision to accept Jesus as his Savior. Even more awesome, was that it was his birthday! How awesome to be born again on the anniversary of your natural birth!

I love the Scripture that says "Delight yourself also in the Lord and He shall give you the desires of your heart" (Psalm 37:4). I really believe that sometimes we don't know (or we deny) the true desires of our hearts, but when we do delight ourselves in Him, He gives us the most amazing of gifts. Even if it's something that we didn't expect to find joy in.

Anyway, our children's ministry is small, but growing, and I pray that I (and the rest of the team) can be used to help reach out to all children from birth to sixth grade in our community.

I would so appreciate your prayers as I enter this new season in ministry! 

What exciting ministry opportunities have you had lately?

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