Wednesday, June 13, 2012

He's Here!

I am excited to (finally) announce the arrival of our sweet baby J! He was born on June 5th at 2:55 am, weighing in at 9 lbs, 3 oz. 

Some things came up and we had to deviate from our plan to give birth at home, so he was born at a nearby hospital. Thankfully, it was a decision that was made about a week in advance, so I had some time to wrap my mind around it! (Also glad it wasn't an emergency transfer in the middle of labor and birth!) It ended up being the best decision, as some of the events surrounding my labor were not conducive to the gentle labor and delivery I hoped for. (I will share more about his birth in the coming weeks). I absolutely believe and know that God had His hand in all of this, and of course as always, He knew the end from the beginning and was guiding each decision. 

I ended up with a postpartum hemorrhage and needed a blood transfusion, so I probably spent an extra day in the hospital being monitored, etc. We came home late last week, and we are adjusting well. Baby J is doing great and is even almost back to his birth weight (as of his check up yesterday, he was an ounce away, so he is growing and feeding well). 

Last night was my first night of somewhat decent sleep (hooray!) so I thought I'd give a quick update. I have not been online much, since I've been focusing on recovering and of course caring for the new sitting at the computer is not the most comfortable right now! Hopefully, I will be able to get back into the swing of blogging in the coming weeks.

What have you been up to?

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