Without further ado, the things I actually am into this month (beware of the overuse of links- please read the whole post and then check them out. Lol)!
On My Nightstand: One Thousand Gifts
Want to (Re)Read: A Woman After God's Own Heart
TV Show Worth Watching: Lately, I've been getting into Kitchen Nightmares. (Gordon Ramsey is entirely too charming, no?) I just enjoy watching it because I used to work in restaurants, plus I love cooking, so I understand what the people are going through most of the time.
Movie I've Seen (in or out of theater): Nothing! I checked out The Bucket List from the library, but never got around to watching it. That's got to count for something!
In My Kitchen: Finally a menu plan! Yay! I've been at it for three weeks now, and it's going fairly well. I've also found it more simple this time around as I don't allow myself to agonize over what we'll eat for dinner. (Did I ever tell you I have a hard time making decisions?)
Some of our favorite dinners this month:
White Bean Chicken Chili
Chicken and Dumplings
Tacos- (the old standby in our house!)
(Nevermind that it's still in the 110's in these parts.)
And just for fun:
Blueberry Scones with Lemon Glaze- I love this blog-she has so many awesome recipes!
In My Ears: So I've managed to be more consistant with playing music in the house this month. New on my playlist:
Audience of One
Until the Whole World Hears
You Said
A Few Interesting Places Online:
Acid Reflux: A Red Flag
In the Backyard
Around our House: Well, we met our new pediatrician this past week. He's really nice and I learned from his website that he has a "special interest" in allergies (and other GAPS sort of issues) which was totally exciting for me since we pretty much deal with food allergies and gut issues all around. He ordered allergy tests for both children (food allergies and environmental allergies) and we have an appointment set for early next month to discuss the results. I really appreciate that since the results of the first allergy test my son had were only discussed by phone. It went a little something like this: Dr- "so your son has tested positive for mild allergies to milk and egg whites". Me- "Okay. So what does that mean?" Dr- "that means you need to avoid those foods entirely." Oh. Right. Hopefully this upcoming discussion will be a little more thorough.
Also, we've gotten back in the habit of a weekly library trip. My wonderful MIL allows me to use her car one day a week while she's at work. This one day also ends up being my errand day. So while I enjoy getting everyone out of the house, on the flip side, we really get out of the house. We've had adventures grocery shopping, banking (forty minutes waiting at the bank only to NOT accomplish what I went in for, thankyouverymuch.) Getting babies buckled into seats, brought out of seats, buckled into grocery carts or strollers, brought into establishment, brought out of establishment, buckled back into seats, repeat as necessary. Did I mention the lowest temp on one of our errand days was 103? Yeah, and the day we chose to go out last week, it was 117! Egads! The highs are expected to be falling below 100 by the end of the first week of September, thankfully! Though, I don't really have a right to complain since my hubby commutes to work in this weather six days a week...with "not the air conditioning" (or at least not air conditioning that he can run constantly). Anyway, I guess all that builds character or something...but that doesn't stop me from looking forward to cooler temps!
New In My Sidebar: ChristianCinema.com is a great site where you can purchase Christian movies, and even sign up for a Christian DVD rental program (sort of like Netflix). If you make a purchase via Happy Christian Home, I will make a small profit (at no additional cost to you, of course).
Also I've signed up for Swagbucks, and have been using it all month. (I've almost earned enough for an Amazon giftcard- yay!) If you'd like to start earning (and help me earn some more too!) you can click on the button in my sidebar. It's free stuff for doing something you already do anyway. Gotta love that!
What are YOU into this month?