1. Been quiet around here lately!
I can only say that stuff has been pretty crazy. Between battling colds, food poisoning (yuck!) and the accompanying exhaustion...well, I don't have a lot of bloggy motivation! I know you all are hanging onto the edge of your seats waiting for me to post something! Ha ha. But anyway, I feel like it's been forever since I've posted regularly. I'm trying to get back into the swing of things!
2. My new favorite face scrub.
I once heard someone say that you should only put something on your skin if you would feel comfortable eating it! (Well that eliminates my whole beauty regimen, how about you?) I discovered that mixing honey (a couple tablespoons) with granulated sugar (maybe a tablespoon or so) makes a great face scrub! It's really awesome.
3. Joseph
I just finished reading Genesis this morning. I've read it several times, but I just love the story of Joseph. That never gets old. Every time I read the part where he reveals his identity to his brothers, I have to fight back tears. Seriously. Give it a read sometime if you never have. (Genesis 37-50)
I love this Scripture:
"Joseph said to them, “Do not be afraid, for am I in the place of God? But as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people alive." Genesis 50:19-20
4. Clothing overload
Man I need some help in this area! I managed to unpack two large boxes in our master bedroom today. (Yes, I'm still unpacking). But I came to the stunning realization that we have way too much clothing! I have a ton of clothes in various sizes- ranging from before my pregnancy with my son (4 years ago) to maternity clothes to "transition clothes" (I gained 60 + pounds with my two pregnancies- and took a while to get the pregnancy weight off). Well, I don't want to get rid of too much of my stuff, because I may need it again. My husband also has a ton of clothes! So I need to figure something out!
5. Hanging on to the beautiful weather
For the next few days, the weather is going to be perfect! It will be in the 90's by the end of the week, though! Ugh. That's one thing about living in the desert! We have a very short spring. On the bright side, that means it's flip-flop weather! My favorite. (My apologies to anyone still looking at snow!)
6. Tacos