Friday, April 13, 2012

Ultimate Blog Party 2012- Welcome New Friends!

Ultimate Blog Party 2012

Welcome to Happy Christian Home! I am Becky, and this blog is where I (attempt to!) write about all things pertaining to life in the Christian home. Of course, some of the things I write about happen in any home, but my highest priority with this blog is to keep Christ at the center of it all.

In case that sounds too serious, I must warn you, I love to joke around, sometimes subtly weaving humor into my writing. Sometimes a little too subtle (as in: "is she serious?"). I love telling funny stories about my children, life in ministry, and marriage.

My husband and I have been married for going on six years. We have two children- a son, almost 5 years old and a 2 ½ year old daughter and another one on the way this June. My husband is a minister (not the minister) but our church's worship leader, in addition to working close to 60 hours a week. He's a really great guy. At least he was last time I saw him. Hee hee. (Kidding!) In this busy lifestyle (well for him anyway!) we must be intentional about getting in a weekly date night.

Speaking of ministry, I share about my experiences in children's ministry from time to time, and like to share ideas I find and other resources.

I'm kind of a "crunchy mom". I try to eat all natural (though that sort of went out the window during this pregnancy) and make most of our food from scratch. I like to use natural things around the house too! I'm also planning a home birth with this new baby. We've dabbled in cloth diapering, and plan to do so with the new one. I'm all about breast feeding, and have done extended breast feeding with both my children (both past the age of two). A lot of my quest to achieve health is driven by our family's experience with allergies.

I plan to start "officially" homeschooling my soon-to-be five year old this fall (that should provide plenty of blog banter with two younger siblings around- hopefully, I'll still have time to tell you about it!). I try to be intentional about providing educational opportunities for my children even from a young age, and feel that little ones can learn a whole lot more than we give them credit for (though I don't do so in a "pushy" kind of way).

I'm still finding my way in this stay at home mom/homemaker role, even though I've been at it for over three years now. I find that it's always changing, and I'm always looking for new ways to adapt! I certainly don't pretend to be any kind of authority on how to keep it all together ('cause, trust me, I don't!) but I like to let my readers know when I find something that works for me.

I feel that my blog is most "successful" when I hear from God and share my experiences in the Word and this life of faith to encourage and equip other wives and moms. You might've noticed the phrase "Biblical Encouragement" in my blog header. I think that being grounded in the Word is the most important thing that a woman, wife or mother (or anyone) can choose to be, all the rest is the "other great stuff" that I hope you will enjoy and relate to!

Also? If you couldn't tell, I can be pretty verbose. And I like to use parentheses. A lot. So, if you like to read a lot of words, stick around!

So, that's me. Pretty much. If you like what you see so far, I invite you to follow me on Facebook or subscribe by email, and I look forward to getting to know you, too!

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